It has just smelled of melted snow, frosts are still cracking at night, and we are already waiting for spring. But if in winter clothes hide half of the flaws of the figure, including an excess of kilograms, then in spring everyone wants to be slim and beautiful. How quickly to throw off the excess, because from the first icicles to spring days is only a month and a half.
In summer, the situation is extreme. A friend said that in a month he is flying with you to Hawaii and, of course, you don’t want even the smallest thing to hang over the elastic band of your swimsuit. Or how to start a new life not updated, in an old body with extra pounds. Just correcting the figure within a month will confirm the seriousness of intentions for you and your loved ones. The reasons may be different, but the goal is the same - how to lose weight quickly in a month.
Women in the modern world strive for the perfect figure. Sometimes, in order to achieve the cherished figure on the scales, girls are ready to sacrifice a lot. The most effective weight loss methods are based on proper nutrition, so weight loss with this approach is slow, but irreversible. In life, there are situations when it is urgently necessary to lose weight by 5-10 kilograms. For example, before a trip to the sea, an upcoming wedding or graduation party. For such cases, there are emergency methods of losing weight. Consider recommendations on how to quickly lose weight at home.
A few words about fast weight loss
If there is a lack of calories, then there will be weight loss. There are many diets, and almost every one of them will allow you to lose weight, and significantly. But as soon as they end, the weight quickly returns to its previous indicator. So is it possible to lose weight in a month? Yes, but depending on how much. What is the main mistake? The body and nervous system did not have time to rebuild and get used to a different nutrition system. If you lose less than four kilograms per month (and preferably two), then the body gets used to the new state quite easily and the new nutrition system becomes a law for it. The brain no longer gives the command to replenish the calories that have not entered the body. Weight loss of more than 2-4 kilograms per month is also fraught with the fact that the body includes internal resources in the diet. What does this mean? Muscle mass is "incinerated" as a reserve of animal proteins. The skin becomes flabby. Together with the protruding bones of the skeleton, this gives the opposite effect: instead of attractiveness, the figure can take on a miserable, and sometimes even repulsive look. Problems may also appear in the form of gastritis and stomach ulcers - it begins to digest itself. So, if you need to lose a lot of unwanted kilograms, it is better to do it not in a month, but in a few.
The main "whales" on which there is a quick weight loss
Without a clear, sound plan that you just need to stick to, you can’t lose weight quickly. This does not mean a diet scheduled by the day and minute (although this is necessary), but the whole range of decisions and measures to achieve them. This includes:
- motivation, that is, the reason why you decided to go a long road of inconvenience and deprivation;
- daily routine, which will bring into the system repetitive day-to-day measures to achieve the goal;
- a clearly balanced diet with a food diary for monitoring, analyzing and adjusting food intake;
- active, sometimes through "I can’t", lifestyle;
- daily normal sleep and rest, thanks to which you will look fresh and vigorous even against the background of a lack of calories.
Adhering to this plan daily, there is great difficulty in deciding how to lose weight in a month, usually does not happen. Yes, and you also need to stock up on two types of scales: for weighing products and weighing yourself.
Tricks of "calorie" diets
With such diets, you can eat everything, but since you need fewer calories, little by little. You have to weigh everything and count every calorie. At first, he is taken aback, looking at a meager piece of meat on the scales. But a person is so arranged that, having a full stomach, he feels full. The realization of the fact comes that you will almost not want to eat if you eat the same foods, but with a lower calorie content. In terms of volume, such food will turn out more. For example, pork and rabbit meat have different calorie content, as well as sour cream in packages of different colors. Buckwheat and cornstarch groats called "sago" differ in calories, like heaven and earth.
Between the main meals with such a diet, you want to have a snack. Do not rush for Twix bars or chips, they say, light weight means few calories. It's so easy to slip into the fast food that has made a good half of the United States obese. In this case, an apple or a couple of pieces of dried apricots should be in your purse. Such food is not something that does not harm, it will also bring benefits.
You can pay attention to fat. It would seem that a very high-calorie and fatty product, and you should not eat it in any case. Now remember if you have seen at least one fat peasant, although he eats this product every day. True, he works hard, and calories from him are quickly burned. And you take a slice that will fit into your daily calorie diet. See that there will be no harm. The fact is that fat is digested in the stomach at about eleven o'clock, and during this time there is not much desire.
Otherwise, how can you lose weight in a month in a different way, if you do not resort to various tricks? After all, nature has laid down from above that any living organism must constantly look for food and use it for further life.
Is it all about diet?
Even a small amount of calories from food will not have time to be burned if there is no physical activity. If you are not engaged in physical work and not an athlete, then fitness clubs, swimming pools, jogging will come to the rescue. Only at first glance it seems that shedding kilograms is a "martyr's road". After a few days, joy comes from the chosen way of active recreation, like-minded people appear, who, by the way, can also advise a lot of interesting things to achieve the goal. You begin to rejoice, they say, I still can, I am a man of word and deed. An important role is played by the daily routine, almost every minute should be scheduled: it disciplines, and in this case it is easier to link each item of the routine with this desire - how to effectively lose weight in a month.
There are no trifles in the weight cut. Try to come to work on foot today, and plan to arrive in a crowded trolley bus tomorrow. Not only that, walking on foot, you will feel more cheerful and get a lot of positive emotions along the way. Get on the scales. Today it took you a lot more grams than it will take tomorrow. What about evening walks? With them, weight is directly driven off, and, thanks to a sound sleep after them, you will be in good shape tomorrow.
Rapid weight loss and possible consequences
You still decided to lose a lot of weight and now you are thinking how to really lose weight in a month by ten, or even all twenty kilograms. It's possible, but first let's outline the harmful effects. Against the background of a severe lack of food in the body, health deteriorates sharply. The natural result is a decrease in stamina, and this is a direct path for disease. Decrease in working capacity can affect your business reputation. The concentration of attention is weakened, up to the loss of consciousness. In this case, you must immediately put aside all attempts to rape yourself.
Now about how to lose weight in 1 month by this amount. This is possible by resorting to fasting or a low-calorie diet. With starvation, everything is clear - this is the complete absence of calories entering the body. If an average woman needs about one and a half thousand calories a day, and you eat foods for 500 kilocalories, this is called a low-calorie diet. But do not forget to add multivitamins and trace elements to the diet. With a small amount of food in the body, they are deficient. You need to drink more fluids, this speeds up metabolic processes and the removal of toxins.
In any case, before a low-calorie diet or fasting, consider whether it is worth taking such drastic measures for the sake of the goal, whether it is justified.
All events around your own weight can be viewed from a different angle. Maybe we are loved for who we are? Then all sorts of changes may not be in our favor. After all, this problem is discussed between women in the press, the Internet, directly in conversations. And if for one this is a really pressing issue, then the other may begin to lose weight either out of solidarity or after hearing that the ideal is, say, forty-eight kilograms. It's even worse when weight loss turns into an obsession: it's not far from anorexia. In general, a person is, as Ludwig Feuerbach said, what he eats. Add "and how". You can and, most importantly, you need to eat moderately tasty and high-quality food. You need to start eating when you hear a slight hunger. You need to stop not when satiety sets in, but when the feeling of hunger disappears. And, of course, walks, light exercise, weekends in nature (only without gluttony) will not hurt anyone.